We The People
Palm Beach County Jural Assembly
The Palm Beach County Jural Assembly represents us, We, the People, residing in Palm Beach County, Florida. As sovereign independent Americans, we have joined together to take back our power of authority from an unlawfully seated body of locally elected officials, the County Commissioners of Palm Beach County. Please read on to understand why this action is so very important for our children and school curricula; local business and economic concerns; housing, zoning, water, and so much more.
“We The People,” as written in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States, acknowledges and recognizes the authority of common law administrative process rather than civil law. We seek to affect change by educating the public of our unalienable rights as stated in the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These two documents established guidelines to limit powers of duly elected officials to represent us as we, the people, in order to guarantee our rights. Therefore, everything outside the bounds of the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights is considered null and void under de jure conditions or common law. No one can mandate, legislate, or make rules unless he, she, or they are legally elected officials in good standing and answer to We The People before making permanent decisions on our behalf.
“WE, THE PEOPLE, claiming our God-given Rights based in Constitutional Principles, intend to return and maintain the governance of Florida, a Free and Independent nation-state to the status proclaimed by the Magna Charta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Original Organic Constitution dated 1787 and amended 1791. These God-given Rights are for ALL PEOPLE, realizing the only limitation which affects a God-given Right is where there is a conflict between the Rights claimed by two or more sovereign people”.
When WE THE PEOPLE self-govern from the county level through the state and national level as they did at the founding of our country, then the people issue the orders and the public servants must comply. This abomination we have now acting as a government is destructive to the people and must end NOW!

18th President conspired with Vatican and London and created United States INC Corporation (private, for profit corporation, based in Washington DC).

United States INC was tax ensalving scam operating under US Consitution that is Supreme Law of The Land.

We were "tricked/forced/scammed" into Contract with USA Inc WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE , WILL, INTENTION & FULL DISCLOSURE. Therefore contract is NOT valid.
Current positions (March 3, 2022 - September 1, 2022):
* Bailif - James (1st term)
* Bailif Pro Tem - Jill (1st term)
* Chaplain - Cindy (2nd term)
* Communication Secretary - Dagmara (1st term)
* Communication Secretary Pro Tem - Bruce (1st term)
* Membership Coordinator - Rachel (2nd term)
* Moderator - Bruce (1st term)
* Moderator Pro Tem - Jill (1st term)
* Scribe - Kim (1st term)
* Scribe Pro Tem - Jordan (1st term)
* Treasurer - Dagmara (2nd term)
* Web/IT Administrator & Public Records - Dagmara (2nd term)
Past elections:
September 29, 2021 - March 03, 2022
* Bailif - Jill (1st term)
* Bailif Pro Tem - James (1st term)
* Chaplain - Cindy (1st term)
* Communication Secretary - Bruce (1st term)
* Communication Secretary Pro Tem - Cindy (1st term)
* Membership Coordinator - Rachel (1st term)
* Moderator - John (1st term)
* Moderator Pro Tem - Jordan (1st term)
* Scribe - Shar (1st term)
* Scribe Pro Tem - vacant
* Treasurer - Dagmara (1st term)
* Web/IT Administrator & Public Records - Dagmara (1st term)